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Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving!

For any who may feel there is nothing Happy about this particular Thanksgiving, let’s see if God’s Holy Word can do something about that.

This week is All Saints Sunday, where we remember all who have gone before us, and lift up those who have died this year. Every year on this day, the words of Jesus, from his Sermon on the Mount are read. (Matthew 1-11). Here we find the Beatitudes. The word beatitude simply means blessedness or happiness and Scripture claims this happiness is available in places we normally don’t think of.

Happy are the poor in spirit

Happy are those who mourn

Happy are the meek

Happy are those hunger for right things

Happy are the merciful

Happy are the pure in heart

Happy are the peacemakers

Happy are those who are persecuted for doing the right things

Your blessedness and happiness should not be determined by outside factors of the world, but from an inside presence of Christ Jesus, now knowing that you are a child of the Most High Living God, made in the image of your Creator. Now, no matter what the world throws your way (which has been a lot), you can and will remain blessed or happy. If only we trust in the promises of Scripture, which should begin to speak to our hearts and minds. Happy Thanksgiving!

In regards to the business of Christ’s Church, Peace Lutheran on October 18th voted (57-1) to list up to ten acres of unused land/property. Now we sit back and wait. I hope and pray that all future decisions will be this well supported, and will always point to the glory of God.

Lots of work...physical work is going on at Peace. The two tallest trees on our lot have been cut down and stumps removed. They had gotten so big we couldn’t keep water off the roof because of the shedding. The two big buggers were determined to take down our roof, either through storms or water damage. One of our parishioners stepped forward to cover a great deal of the cost, but more help is needed. Terry Zrutskie (who is in charge of property), may be approaching some of you to fray the cost and take care of the problem. Never could figure out why we plant such huge trees so close to buildings?

I spent some time this past week cleaning up and painting the two offices next to our main office. The space has been a junk room or home to homeless for the past five years. All this is being done with left over paint, left over carpet, and volunteer hard work.

One of the offices will house Shepherd Center—a wonderful outreach ministry, meeting once a week, in which varieties of learning options are offered to the community, such as Music, German, Sewing, Religion, Art, Gardening, Books...etc. The ministry was originally formed at Peace and was previously meeting at various churches in Palm Bay. They now desire to make Peace their home base. More information to follow as to when the next session will take place.

The second office will prayerfully be used for an intern from seminary or future office staff as we grow. You see, I have faith that when Mr./Mrs. Virus has been put to rest, our Lampstand will burn brightly. I trust that God will protect and guide.

Following Thanksgiving, the church will decorated as beautifully as possible for Christmas. We will still have the Angel Tree, so that when families awake on this special morning, they will know someone cares. You can pick up a name/names at church on Sunday or stop by the office during the week. Also, when it comes to Christmas—think of all the gifts you need/want to buy? Do you really want to go out shopping? Simply figure out who needs what, from which store, write it down order those items from SCRIP. Shopping made easy during corona. Plus, did you know that an average of 5-6% of your purchase comes straight back to Peace Lutheran, where is used to feed the poor?

So you see, even in the midst of struggle, our blessedness and happiness cannot be determined by outside factors of the world, but from an inside presence of Christ Jesus and the task set before us. Happy Thanksgiving!

In Christian Love,

Pastor Trexler

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