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At Peace Lutheran Church, we desire to do everything we can to help you with all the very important decisions and times in your life. To begin the process of scheduling a baptism, a marriage, or joining as a member of the Peace family, please contact the Church office during weekday hours, 8:30am -12:30pm, Monday through Friday, at 321-727-3131, or leave a card in the Sunday morning offering basket with your contact information.

Little girl praying
Children doing activities
Family going to church
Baptism, Communion,   Confirmation, Weddings and
Home / Hospital visits



We are a church whose unity is in Jesus Christ, who gathers us around word and water, wine and bread. Baptism is a significant part of our faith journey as we come from the baptismal waters to live a new life as children of God.  In Baptism, which we believe can be seen more clearly in infant Baptism, God freely offers his grace and lovingly establishes a new community. It is in Baptism that people become members of Christ’s Body on earth, the Church.



First Communion
All children who have already received Holy Communion are welcomed to receive it at Peace regardless of age. We do offer six weeks of First Communion classes in the spring for children in 3rd through 5th grade and schedule a time for them to receive First Communion once the classes are completed. However, if a child expresses the desire to receive Holy Communion at a younger age and the parents affirm this desire, the family can meet privately with the Pastor for instruction.


Confirmation is a two year teaching ministry for 7-9 graders are not meeting at this time.


Our teens learn God’s Word, become familiar with the Bible, learn our basic Christian doctrines, memorize verses from scripture and journal what they learn. There is a teaching each week based on the memory verse for that week and a discussion of the chapters from the Bible assigned the previous week.

At the end of their confirmation instruction, our teens have the opportunity to affirm their faith in front the congregation.




Holy matrimony – is a union between a man and woman, acknowledging the grace of God in their life. Marriage classes are held to discuss the Word, the Church, the family, and the couple’s relationship for each.




Home / Hospital Visits


Please let us know if you are going to be in the hospital, rehab, or at home due to health reasons.  Our Caring & Sharing teams will come and visit, bring communion, or arrange other help as needed.  Please call the Office @ (321) 727 - 3131.






Vacation Bible School


Please see Vacation Bible School Registration Page for more Information.


Each summer we plan one great week of bible learning through Vacation Bible School. This is interactive learning at its best while hearing about the best possible message of all, salvation in Jesus Christ. Our Vacation Bible School includes bible study, worship, crafts, games, and snacks. 





Worship Services


NEW: Saturday Night Casual Worship - 5:00PM


8:45AM Sunday School for All Ages!


10:00AM  Traditional Service

The organ and Chancel Choir accompany this classical liturgical service of worship.  The music is from the 16th to the 20th century hymns of the church.  The liturgy is a key element in this service.



Holy Communion is celebrated every Sunday at both morning services and is open to all who are baptized and believe.




Fellowship (Café Peace)

“Café Peace” is a time to relax and enjoy each others company after the service. Enjoy coffee, juice, goodies, conversation, and friendly people. Café Peace is the Fellowship Hall following the early service and in front of the Worship Center following the late service.




A nursery for children under five years old is available every Sunday morning.





























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